There Is Nothing Higher than the Truth | Let the Winds of Freedom Blow | We Must Use Our Reason to Survive
Tired of voting for the "lesser of 2 evils"? Tired of political and government corruption ? Tired of hearing about the hundred-trillion dollar "slavery reparations" plan? Tired of the sexualization of our children by the "homosexual-transgender" religion? Tired of hearing about "white privilege"? Tired of the billionaires interests being served by the right and foreigners and immigrants interests being served by the left? Tired of the worsening censorship, violations of freedom and lack of respect for the separation of Church and State? Are you tired of the Democrats and the Republicans being controlled and managed by foreign interests (Israel), a foreign religion (Judaism), and Hollyweird?
Join US and help US build a new American Political Party and help US WIN in 2028 and beyond!
We need grass roots organizers locally, regionally, nationwide and most importantly in each of our 50 US states, as well as one for each US territory. These are volunteer positions and currently cannot be paid. All that we ask is that you agree to our code of conduct (to always tell the truth, and to allow others to express themselves freely), and to our platform, which will not change in the future; and to our domestic and foreign policy, which will change as needed with the years. Our Platform and Domestic Policy and Foreign Policy pages can be found in the pull-down menus, which are being added and enhanced daily.
If you can help organize at a state level, please tell us which state. If there is something particular which you can do to help us, please tell us.
Use the Contact Us form to reach out to us. You must first register to use this site with a valid email address, and confirm your intent to register by clicking on the email address validation email which will be sent to you. You must be a registered user and logged-in to post comments, use the Contact form, use the forum or blog on this site.
Thanks for your interest in the Patriot-Party.US
Matt Hooker
Founder and Candidate for POTUS - President of the United States of America.